*12 months~12 goals*
January - do something for a good cause. {check}
February - visit my grandpa who has alzheimer's for his birthday on Feb. 12th.
March - work harder at completing tasks/goals that I have set for myself.
April - celebrate with happiness my one year anniversary with my dear sweet husband.
May - participate in the Great Urban Race for St. Judes on May 15th to help raise money for the hosspital.
June - start a plan to read a new book every month during the summer.
{i'm not a reader so this will be a huge challenge}
July - enjoy my vacation with my bestie and her bf along with my wonderful hubby.
{last year's vacation = disaster}
August - have enough money saved up to turn my car lease in and purchase my first car.
{kia forte here I come - such an awesome car, it really is}
September - make my husband happy on his birthday.
October - remember the loss of our little embie that was not able to survive outside it's incubator.
{my husband and I conceived a child through in-vitro and lost our miracle on Oct. 9, 2009}
November - be thankful for the things I have and for the amazing family God has blessed me with.
December - give to those in need.
Play along...what are your 12 goals for 12 months?
I see that you're excited about gr8 urban r. You should take a look at CitySolve Urban Race. www.citysolveurbanrace.com
Hi!!! I am soooo excited! My best friend and I will be participating and we are thrilled to be part of such a wonderful experience. I will take a look at CitySolveUrbanRace...thanks!