Monday, February 1, 2010

{february birthday festivities}

Today starts the month long celebration of many birthday festivities.  One of them being mine.  Our weeks are booked full with dinner's, get together's with friends, the arrival of my parents for presidents days weekend, and time with family.  On my husband's side of the family, they celebrate their birthdays all month - so for me this is fantastic and I love my birthday month even more now!:)  It's all about me! Haha....

Here is a peak at what we will be doing these next couple of weeks:

  • Feb. 3rd - My 31st birthday ~ out to dinner with the hubs! {looking forward to some quality alone time}.  My cousin Jeremy's 30th birthday!!!!
  • Feb. 6th - My sis-n-law's baby shower for her first child, our niece {Mia Jade or Olivia Jade} looking forward to her special day and seeing friends and family.  We can't wait to meet her in March.
  • Feb. 7th - Super Bowl Festivities with friends and a cute little guy who has stolen my heart....little baby Ethan! 
  • Feb. 11th - 15th - My parents fly in from SO CAL and I will spend the weekend with them celebrating my birthday on Sat...what a fantastic month! :)
  • Feb. 12th - Happy birthday to my Grandpa Ulrich.  He lives in Front Royal in a nursing home {has alzhiemers} and will visit him on Sat.  Too bad he doesn't know this is day is all about him but I intend to make it all about him!:)
  • Feb. 14th - Valentines Day - a night out with my hubby ~ our 1st Valentines Day as a married couple...super excited.
  • Feb. 17th - Our friend Jeremy's birthday - looking forward to celebrating his special day with him and of course his beautiful girlfriend {my bestie}.  
  • Feb. 20th - tentative plans to spend the evening celebrating our friend Jeremy's birthday along with mine at McFadden's in DC.  Feb birthday peeps drink for free and their friends for $20 {all night or at least till midnight - not positive on this one}.  If you want to join us, let me know and we would love to see you! 
  • Feb. 28th - My Uncle Jay's Birthday - a dinner will take place somewhere that week with them.  Uncle Jay has always been my favorite Uncle and I'm blessed to have such a caring and loving Uncle who looks after me.
{I'm sure there is more but I'm too tired to think clearly so if I think of anything else, I'll be sure to post them up}

What are your plans for February?


  1. Love the pictures! Happy birthday month!

  2. Thanks Boo! I thought it was just perfect for the Valentines Day month theme!:)



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