Friday, January 8, 2010

{2010 - Makeover}

I'm a slacker and have not had a chance to come up with something for Thankful Friday's. Instead, I was browsing through some websites and found some things that caught my attention. I've been saying for months that I want a makeover - new hairstyle, new color, new clothes adding a new style (shappy chic is a fav) and just really focus on taking care of myself. I tend to get kindof lazy when it comes to getting ready for work and I always feel yucky. I know that I don't have to have all the latest fashions to look cute. I just want to feel like "me" again! Even if I can't get some of these makeover changes, I know that I have the resources and the creativity in me to pull something new together. I have a wonderful friend who has inspired me with her amazing style and secretly I want to be like her! :)

The photos below, two of Reece Witherspoon and Hilary Duff are an example of what I love and just think is so darn cute. They look so flawless...we can't we look like that?

{So lovely...from the boots, to the leggings, to the most adorable dress ever - I'm in LOVE}
What's your new favorite style?


  1. I love the outfits you chose!! They are adorable & would look fantastic on you!

    Stop by my blog... there's a suprise for you there!

  2. I agree, Reese Witherspoon always looks flawlessly (but effortlessly) put together!



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